Lidya Chrisfens

  • MA Arts Pedagogy and Practice, Goldsmiths University of London, UK
  • Bachelor in Fashion Design & Textiles, Open University, UK
  • Diploma in Apparel & Merchandising, Temasek Polytechnic, Singapore

Lidya is a dedicated fashion lecturer with over 15 years of experience in the industry. She has been working in various roles since 2005, gaining a wealth of knowledge and expertise. In 2012, Lidya began her career as a fashion lecturer and has been teaching ever since. She specialises in creative pattern cutting and digital skills for fashion, and her classes are designed to provide students with the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in the fast-paced world of fashion.

Attaining a Masters in Art Pedagogy and Practice drives her to explore interdisciplinary approaches in the various art fields. In 2020, she developed a novel fashion technique, blind-draping. Lidya's passion for fashion is evident in everything she does, and she is committed to helping others pursue their dreams in this exciting field.

Lidya actively participates in conferences and has presented her research papers at several prestigious conferences. One of her most significant achievements is developing the blind-draping fashion technique. Lidya's innovative approach to fashion design challenges traditional notions of visual aesthetics and can potentially revolutionise the way designers think about their craft.

The blind-draping fashion technique earned Lidya an Emerging Scholar award in 2023. In 2022, she was also awarded the Best Poster Presentation at a significant fashion conference. Her research has been well-received in the fashion community and has generated considerable interest from scholars and practitioners alike.

The blind-draping technique is set to be published in a book on radical fashion practice methods. This publication will be a valuable resource for fashion designers and scholars seeking to explore new and innovative approaches to fashion design. Lidya's contribution to this book will cement her position as a thought leader in the fashion industry and a driving force behind the evolution of contemporary fashion practice.